Metamodeling: Principles, Hypertext, Objects and Repositories

The MetaPHOR research group is one of the largest software and systems engineering research groups in Scandinavia. Since its start in 1990 it has developed two experimental metaCASE tools, written and edited four books and published over 80 conference and journal papers. The acronym MetaPHOR stands for: Metamodeling, Principles, Hypertext, Objects, and Repositories. The principal goal of the research group is to develop application principles, tool architectures and technical solutions for configurable metaCASE environments. A simple way to describe the research topic is to characterize a metaCASE environment as a platform for configuring various CASE tools according to varying needs. Moreover, we perceive CASE tools as special kinds of (meta-) information systems, and metaCASE environments as their development environments. Our research is founded on the application of object-oriented modeling philosophies, distributed computing architectures, object-oriented implementation environments and graphical user interaction management systems. Two successful metaCASE environments, MetaEdit and MetaEdit+, have been implemented and both have also been marketed as commercial tool environments.

More information about the MetaPHOR group

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Contact Information

For further information, please contact:

Professor Kalle Lyytinen
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
University of Jyväskylä
P.O. Box 35
FIN-40351 Jyväskylä
tel: +358 14 260 3025
fax: +358 14 260 3611

Pages created originally by Steven Kelly. Last update July 5, 1999 by Jouni Huotari.